2024 Final Poitiers American High School Reunion
Welcome to our new webpage on our final reunion. It has been designed to provide you with all the information your will need on the venue, events planned, and who has already registered to attend.
As you entered the page you saw our new logo specifically developed for our reunion by Diane Wendt Woods (64). It represents a very mature panther waiting to greet other panthers for a memorable weekend. You will notice a tear coming from the eye indicating some sadness since this will be the final planned reunion and is in tribute to the many panthers we have lost throughout the years. You will also notice the words “In My Life” in the center of the logo. It was taken from the song by the Beatles recorded in 1965. This song inspires us to reflect on our own lives remembering people, places, and events in the past. You may also want to read the lyrics of the song on the internet or listen to it on YouTube.
The venue for our reunion is the Gaylord Opryland Hotel. It is located adjacent to the Cumberland River and seven miles from downtown Nashville, TN. This property features nine acres of indoor gardens, world class dining options, fabulous shopping, and on-site entertainment all under one roof.
The events we have planned will provide you time to reacquaint with past friends, be entertained, and relax. All planned events will be in the evening to allow you the freedom to explore the area at your own pace.
We intend to keep this site updated with a current list of who has registered, associated tours available, and general information to make your stay for the weekend both enjoyable and memorable.
Please help us get the word out so we can have maximum attendance.
See you there!!!
Don Blanchard (64)
John Argiro (65)
Paul Fish (61) webmaster